Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Easy Beginner Quilt

At the family vacation home I spotted an inspiration! I am not yet a part of the sewing world, but I am in the fabric collecting stage. When I saw this quilt, I got a little giddy because it's something a newbie can totally accomplish--at least that's what I think just by looking at it. I haven't yet tried to make one myself so don't get too excited, but take a look and you'll agree that it's pretty much fool-proof. I'm not sold on the red stripe, but like I keep saying, this is SO DO-ABLE!! Two large fabric pieces (possibly 2 flat sheets?) yarn-sewn together and knots throughout the middle to hold the batting in-between.

So here's what I will be on the lookout for to complete this project: two flannel sheets or clearanced fabric, medium/thin batting, coordinating yarn and a yarn needle. Now I've never seen a yarn needle. But with all the millions of craft tools, there's bound be one out there right?? I have yet to decide what weight of batting to use. I don't know how old this blanket is, but it's obvious it's been well loved and the batting is certainly still there. And since I have decided to use flannel, I may not need anymore than the bare minimum batting because flannel is pretty warm all on it's own, especially when you're doubling it up.  Anyone have experience with this sort of project?

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