Monday, August 15, 2011

Easy Steak Fries

I've gotten a few requests to make my version of steak fries recently, so I figured I should share them with the world! They're super easy to make, and I would love to hear any variations you come up with! Plan to use 1 average size potato per person (think the way you do for mashed potatoes).
Slice potato lengthwise and slice as shown below, varying in thickness (no more than 1/4" otherwise they'll take forever to cook!)

Lay out on cookie sheets, drizzle with oil (I've been loving grapeseed oil lately) and liberally sprinkle with Montreal Steak Seasoning. I usually add a bit more black pepper too, just because I love black pepper!

Bake at 375-425' (higher temperature if you're cooking multiple batches) for a good 20-30 minutes and I usually broil them for a few minutes to make sure they get golden brown--and a few get burnt..I know it's bad, but a few won't hurt me too terribly, right?? Enjoy with your burgers, or steak or really anything. I usually dip mine in BBQ sauce so I can get the flavor overload I crave.

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