Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fabric Remnants

I recently purchased several yards of fabric for a $1 per pattern. Flea market score! These pieces are large enough for several throw pillows or maybe to be part of the quilt I will one day conquer.  The polka dot circly one looks like I could almost doodle that myself! And maybe I shall, that would be a fun blanket, to have different colors of this circle/dot pattern...The floral I had to have because of the colors: blue, yellow & red. It's a challenge, I think, to get these colors to work well together without being a circus or preschool room.  And the almost grandma style = win.
There are tons and tons of ideas out in webspace for what to do with leftover fabric. Here's a few that I thought were stellar.

Fabric covered Altoids tins- great for business cards
Fabric covered Altoid tins (business card holder?)

Reusable cloth wrapping.

bracelets that look like watches.

diy hairbows pinned onto paint chip for

And the best for last....
How to print on fabric - What?!  Oh, the possibilities...

Actually, this one is my favorite.
Pinned Image

And these are just barely scratching the surface of ideas to be seen & thought of! What have you done/dream to do with your fabric scraps?

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